1st Night at PASS

Ok we arrived in Seattle for PASS only I found out tonight that I’m not supposed to call it PASS.  Apparently the PC name for PASS is the PASS Summit.  Oh well…

So we started at the Tap House wtih Allen White and his wife and then went to the convention center (I can still call it that, right?) to register.  There we met up with tons of other MVPs and a few people that Jen follows on twitter.  Would that be her fellow twits?

I was talking to Allen about how things appear to be getting better because there are a lot more MVPs here than there have been the past couple yrs.  I think this is going to be a good week.

We also did our first DBAs@Midnight with Allen.  It was really fun.  We got to talk about Oracle and making mistakes, and powershell, etc.  It was a fun talk.  I’ll upload it soon so check back and I’ll let you know when it’s up.

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