Audit service accounts with Powershell

I thought I’d kick off the week with a useful little PS script I wrote last week.  It happens from time to time where you need to find out what AD accts your SQL boxes are running on.  It could be that you simply want to see how diverse they are or maybe you want to change the password of an acct and you want to see what the impact will be.  All the same, it can be useful to audit the startup accts for your SQL services. 

So here’s a little script you can use to get that done.  This again is part of a much larger process I have, but I’ve pulled it out and simplified it to its base componets for you.  I’ve also added the DB side of the process for completion. 

Here’s the PS piece:
$Server = ‘localhost’
$StatsDB = ‘DBStats’                  
 $SourceSQLScript1 = “\\Server1\F$\SQLServerDBA\Scripts\Collector\SQLQueries\AllSQLBoxes.txt”; 

$SqlCmd1 = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $StatsDB -inputfile $SourceSQLScript1
$SqlCmd1 | %  {
        $_.ServerName; ####Print ServerName
        [System.Int32]$ID = $_.InstanceID;
        [System.String]$ServerName = $_.ServerName;
        $ExecutionDateTime = Get-Date -Format “%M/%d/%y %H:m:ss”; 

$a = Get-wmiobject win32_service -ComputerName $ServerName -filter “DisplayName like ‘%sql%'” -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 

$a | % { $DisplayName = $_.DisplayName;
   $StartName = $_.StartName; 

 Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $StatsDB -Query “Collector.spServiceAcctInsert ‘$ExecutionDateTime’,’$ID’,’$DisplayName’,’$StartName'”

Most of this is the same as the other scripts I’ve posted so I’m not really gonna go into every line like I have in the past.  I am going to explain the params for the invoke-sqlcmd line though.  In this line I’m just calling an SP that I’ve put in place to log these details to a table and you can use as much or as little of this as you wish.  The $ID param is the ID of the server.  In my complete solution I have a server table and I log things to other tables using the ServerID that comes from that table.  You’re free however to just capture the ServerName here instead.  But you notice that in the query, I get the ID and the ServerName and I use those in the script.  I’m just presenting you with how I do it and you can change it. 

Here’s the SP that I use in the DB that gets called by this script.  It’s very simple. 

CREATE procedure [Collector].[spServiceAcctInsert]

@ExecutionDateTime datetime,

@InstanceID int,

@ServiceName varchar(50),

@StartName varchar(50)


 Insert dbo.ServiceAcct






And now here’s the table that you’re logging to:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ServiceAcct](

      [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

      [ExecutionDateTime] [datetime] NULL,

      [InstanceID] [int] NULL,

      [ServiceName] [varchar](50) NULL,

      [StartName] [varchar](50) NULL

And that’s all there is to it. From here, now that you’ve got all of your service accts and the AD accts associated with them, you can easily query this table to see the impact of changing a password or just see how bad your security is. This is useful info to have. You don’t have to run this kind of thing often though. In fact, it’s not a query that I have scheduled. I typically just run it when I want to know something specific, but you may have a reason to schedule it.

OK guys, that’s all I’ve got on that.  Enjoy powershelling.

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