Going to Red Stick

Ok everybody, I’m off to SQLSaturday #28 in Baton Rouge tomorrow.  I hope to see as many of you there as I can.

If you see me and you want to come up and say hi, then by all means do.  I love talking to readers.

Oh, and a little trivia on Baton Rouge.  When the french settlers were scouting for a good place to start a town they were scouting from boats.  They came across this patch of land they liked and the Indians had already marked it with a big wooden pole that they painted red at the top.  So they referred to it as the place marked by the baton rouge.  And they just decided to name it that.

As far as I can tell that’s the real story.  I work with a guy who took Louisana history and this is what he was told in class.

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