Installing LiteSpeed

For those of you who follow my blog, you know that I’ve used LiteSpeed for many years now. And one of the things that’s always bugged me is the lousy way they run their upgrades. To upgrade LS typically consists of having to do some version of manually deleting the current repository tables and then running the install program. And this is after uninstalling your previous version manually as well. And if you want to save your data in your repo tables you have to create new ones and copy the data over, or just rename the old tables. And it still isn’t that easy because of the relationships. If you just rename the tables you have to rename the relationships too or the new install will fail. And you have to do this for every box you own. What a pain in the ass!!

Well, I have a problem with LS not backing up one of my DBs even though it’s been working just fine for almost 2yrs. So I just upgraded from v.4.7 to the latest 4.8 (yes, I know v.5 is coming out soon, but I can’t wait). And let me tell you this… it looks like they finally got these upgrade problems fixed. My upgrade went smooth. I didn’t have to manually uninstall the old version, I didn’t have to play my usual shell game with the repo tables, and I didn’t have to burp the service. Life is good.

Now, I’ll have to see if it actually fixed my problem. But I’m happy to be able to report something good about LS for the first time in a long time. They’ve mostly been adding features, and very slowly at that, and haven’t been really concerned with our actual problems. Maybe this is a turning point.

Anyway, good job LS guys.

One thought on “Installing LiteSpeed”

  1. Hey, found your site by accident doing a search on Ask but I’ll definitely be returning. As for your post… I agree with a lot of what you’re talking about here but wouldn’t it be just as easy to focus on the postive? I mean why mess with your quality of life if you don’t have to?

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