Managing Jobs in SQK2K

I’m actually double posting this here and at Underground just to help get the word out.

OK, from time to time this topic comes up so I thought I’d publish this info in the hopes that someone will find it useful.

The problem is with getting non-admins the ability to admin jobs in SQL2K. It’s widely known that only SAs can do this, but there’s a special DB role in msdb that lets you do this w/o having to be an admin. Rather than give you a big explanation, here’s the code so you can test it yourself. This will let anyone in this group admin SQL jobs just like they were SA.

use msdb
exec master..sp_addlogin ‘testme’, ‘testme’, ‘msdb’
exec msdb..sp_adduser ‘testme’, ‘testme’, ‘TargetServersRole’
grant execute on sp_add_job to TargetServersRole
grant execute on sp_add_jobstep to TargetServersRole
grant execute on sp_update_job to TargetServersRole
grant execute on sp_add_jobserver to TargetServersRole
grant execute on sp_add_jobschedule to TargetServersRole
grant execute on sp_delete_jobschedule to TargetServersRole
grant execute on sp_delete_job to TargetServersRole
grant execute on sp_start_job to TargetServersRole
grant execute on sp_stop_job to TargetServersRole

I hope this helps somebody. If you want to give the ability to admin only specific jobs though, you’ll still have to use one of the intermediate steps you did before, or make the user the owner of the job.
Too bad groups can’t own jobs.