Tag Archives: DBA

Hey, how about some new Powershell vids?

I’ve been a busy little guy this week.  I’ve posted 4 new videos.

The first one is on cycling the SQL error log from Powershell.  Well, not really, you’re really deploying the solution to other boxes using Powershell.
You can see it here:

The next one is about reading the SQL error log from Powershell.

You can see it here:  http://midnightdba.itbookworm.com/VidPages/PowershellReadErrorLogs/PowershellReadErrorLogs.aspx

The next 2 are a short series on changing DB permissions in Powershell.
You can see them here:


Red-Gate is Badass!!

Ok, so the other night I uninstalled my R2 install on my box and put on the new SQL2012.  I know upgrade exists, but I just wanted the thing on there and didn’t feel like messing with anything stupid going wrong.  So anyway, I was half way through my uninstall when I remembered, Oh Crap, I’m gonna lose SQLPrompt cause SQL2012 just came out.  I was pretty upset because I use that tool all the time.

So While Denali was installing, I went out to Red-Gate to see if they had it listed anywhere when SQLPrompt would support Denali… and you know what?  It already does.  I installed the newest version and it works beautifully in SQL2012.  And that’s not all.  They’ve got this kewl new thing they’re doing where they let you see beta features.  They call it Experimental Features and it’s at the bottom of the SQL Prompt 5 menu.  Here’s what it looks like.

These are beta features and you’re welcome to install them and try them out as you wish.  Personally I love this because I quite often want stuff like this and even if there are a couple bugs it’s still better than not having it at all.

So Red-Gate, I salute you for having this ready in time for the release and for doing such a good job with presenting us with these new features.  I want to have your babies.

Changing Job Step Properties in Powershell

I read a blog today from my good friend @SirSQL (Nic Cain) where he was talking about how to change retry attempts on all the jobs on a server. Well, technically it’s the job steps that have the retry attempts, not the jobs themselves. And whenever I see something like this, my fabulously huge MCM brain tries to turn it into Powershell. So I put my fingers to the keys and like 10mins later I had a workable script. And while Nic’s solution is perfectly good T-SQL, it’s another one of those things that highlights the power of the shell because I only need 3 lines of code to do it.

The easiest way to do this is through SSMS. Just start PS from the Jobs node.

And that’ll give you a blank SQLPS window that’s already in the jobs node.

Since we’re in SQLPS we don’t need to load the assembly, but I’ll do it anyway to show you how cause you might not be in SQLPS when you do it. It won’t hurt anything to load it again. But that’s one of the things that SQLPS does for you; It loads these assemblies.

Here’s how you load the assembly and set a variable to the JobStep object type.

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

Now we have our new $js var (stands for JobStep) we can fill it with the steps of all the jobs on the server. However, first, let’s take a look at the members of our new var.

$js | gm

Now you’ll get a good listing of all the members so you’ll know what you can and can’t do with it.

Towards the bottom you’ll see the property we’re interested in here: RetryAttempts. Now we just have to go through all the steps and change the retries to what we want. Here I’ll change it to 5 just because it’s a nice round number. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to do this. I’ll go ahead and tack it onto the partial script above and this will become our entire script.

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

$js = dir | %{$_.enumjobstepsbyid()}
$js | %{$_.RetryAttempts = 5;$_.alter()}

Ok, that’s all we need to do to change the RetryAttempts property for all the jobs on the server. But we’re not done talking about this… not even by a longshot.

First, in line 4 notice I call the EnumJobStepsByID() method on each item of the dir. This is how I populate the $js var with all of the job steps. What this line says is list all of the jobs (using dir) and then for each one, get a list of its steps and put it in $js.

Line 5 runs through each of the job steps in $js and actually performs the work of setting the RetryAttempts to our new value. And remember, jobs have an Alter() method, and typically whenever something in PS has an alter method it likes you to use it. if you don’t the changes will take effect in your PS session only and will not be pushed to the server. So call the Alter() method.

Now, I know what you’re saying… how would you do it for only some of the jobs? Because so far we’ve assumed that you want to apply the changes to every job on the server. Well, there are 2 ways to do that and they’re incredibly easy.

First, you can limit the data from the dir cmd in line 4. It could look like this:

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

$js = dir | ?{$_.Name -match "maint"} | %{$_.enumjobstepsbyid()}
$js | %{$_.RetryAttempts = 5;$_.alter()}

Take note of the new line 4. I’ve just added a where clause to the pipeline so now only jobs with the word “maint” in their names will be in the list.
The 2nd way is just as easy, but you do it at the job step level. if you remember from above when we looked at the methods for $js there was a property “Parent”. This is the parent job name for the step. So all you have to do is add the where clause to the $js instead and you’ll achieve the same thing.

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

$js = dir | %{$_.EnumJobStepsById()}
$js | ?{$_.Parent -match "maint"} | %{$_.RetryAttempts = 5;$_.alter()}

Now the new line 5 reflects our easy change.

There are so many uses for this code it’s incredible. There are plenty of properties to change and so many ways to limit the result set. Let’s say you have a maint routine on all of your servers and you want to alter the command that the 1st job step runs. That’s very easy. Instead of changing the RetryAttempts property, just change it to the Command property like this:

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

$js = dir | %{$_.enumjobstepsbyid()}
$js | ?{$_.Parent -match "maint"} | %{$_.Command = "My new code.";$_.alter()}

There’s nothing here Nic couldn’t change his script to do pretty easily, but this is much shorter and easier to read I think. It also has one huge advantage… I can run it on multiple servers without much effort. I’m not going to go down that road in this blog because I’ve posted many solutions with that code in it already so it wouldn’t be anything for you to add that to this script.

So anyway, thanks Nic for letting me use you as the base for this post. Your solution is fine, I just prefer the look and feel of 4 lines of code.

I’ve also got a companion video for this post:


2 Addictions worth fighting

A recent email chain with a friend has spawned me to write this post.  What I’m trying to do here is help the 2 extremes of people you’ll find in your company:  the idiot, and the DBA.  Ok, I know all DBAs aren’t super smart, but I had to call the non-idiot something.  So this email chain I had was with a DBA who was stressing-out about something stupid his company is doing even though he warned them.  So what you’ve got to understand is that both sides of this equation are an addiction.

The Addiction of Stupidity:

It’s easy to get caught-up in the fact that our users are morons, or that the other IT guy is an idiot, but you’ve got to have a little compassion.  You have to understand that stupidity is an addiction.  It may have started through a combination of them not knowing anything at all about SQL, and them not having any qualified DBAs to help them learn.  How it started though doesn’t really matter in the end.  What does matter is that now you’ve got to help them through it.  You need to advise them on the proper way to do things.  At first they won’t listen.  Keep it up though and you’ll start to prove yourself a little at a time.  Then they’ll start to trust you.  Even when they trust you though, they’ll still fall back into being stupid all the time.  You have to urge them to fight it.  It’s hard though, right?  They really want to fall back into their old habits but you can’t let them.  It’s all they know and a little knowledge is empowering and dangerous.  So you have to guide them and not let them slip back into their bad habits of making stupid decisions.  Remind them that trusting you in the past has paid off and it will again. 


The Addiction of Caring:

The other side of this is the DBA himself.  See, as DBAs we tend to own the DBs under our control.  We want everything to work together like a well-rehearsed ballet.  And when it goes that way it can be a beautiful thing.  But it almost never goes that well, does it?  The company doesn’t see things the way we do.  The addicts in the above section quite often have the power to block our intelligent moves and even put things into play without us even knowing.  People in power are quite often worse than anyone else.  So how do you deal with this?  How do you get them to do the right thing?  Well, you can discuss it with them and get them to see reason, but if they don’t then you have to let it go. 

You’re not being paid to do a good job.  You’re being paid to make your boss happy.  I’ve said this many times before, and it’s still true.  Turn yourself into an internal fulltime consultant.  Advise them of the right thing to do, but if they make the wrong decision then it’s their business and their decision.  You can’t make them run their business the right way.  You can only advise them.  Remember that.  It’s not your business.  So stop insisting that things be done a certain way.  Tell them what should be done and let them make the decision.  And if they make the wrong decision just make sure you’re covered with an email.  You want it on record that you advised them correctly and they made the wrong decision.

But caring to the point where you’re pulling your hair out is just as much of an addiction as being stupid.  You have to constant remind yourself that you’re just a consultant and if they want to pay you a bloated salary to ignore you and have you spend your days cleaning their messes up instead of providing real value then that’s their business.  Again, you’re being paid to make them happy, not to do a good job.  Plenty of people disagree with me on this, but they’re wrong.  It just so happens that some bosses want you to do a good job and want you to guide the company, but that’s just a case where their priorities align with yours.  If their priorities were to change then I bet you’d find that you’re all of a sudden butting heads.  I’ve been in several companies where everyone in the world has sa and they’ve even got lots of apps connecting with sa and everyone knows the password.  I’ve advised them how unsafe this is, but they insisted that it’s too engrained and can’t be changed.  Fine, I put my advice in an email and went on about my business.  Things kept happening to the servers and they wanted it to stop, but I said I can’t stop it because everyone has sa.  They said it’s impossible.  So ok then.  Then they started failing audits.  They lost clients because they couldn’t produce  the report of the passed audit.  Now they came to me again and said how can we pass this audit.  I said you have to get everyone out of sa and do about 10 other things.  They said but the effort would be too great.  I said ok.  Then they lost another client.  Then they asked me what it would take to pass the audit.  I repeated the same thing.  They said it would be too hard.  I said ok.  They said can you give me another way?  I said no, but have you looked into what it would take?  What’s the actual effort?  They said no, we haven’t looked into it, but I know it would be really hard.  I said, then why not ask the question to the right people?  As it turns out it was a single VP who was blocking it because she had NO IT knowledge and just thought this kinda thing was really hard.  All they had to do was change a connection string in a .ini file and all was well.  Then they just told everyone to get over it and they weren’t getting sa anymore.  They would have to stop doing things that a DBA needs to do.  All of a sudden the environment became much more stable, they passed their next audit, and they started getting those contracts they were losing before.  That’s a true story BTW.

So find a way to divorce yourself from the outcome of these things.  I like to look at it like this… if you see a guy on the street getting into his car and he looks like he’s about to run the red light, and you call into his window and warn him there’s a cop sitting there, and he does it anyway you just look at him and say dumbass.  Chances are you probably won’t get upset and give yourself an ulcer over it because you’re just not that invested in the outcome of your advice.  You warned the guy but he didn’t listen… so what!  And that’s the attitude you have to take with your own company.  You can’t invest yourself in the outcome of your advice.  It’s not your company.

So anyway, I’m just trying to help you keep a little perspective.  If you’re truly in a job where they hang on your every word then consider yourself lucky.  The vast majority of us don’t have that luxury so we have to find ways to cope with the fact that everyone doesn’t listen to everything we say. 

And remember, both of these are addictions.  As much as we have to help our users fight against being stupid, we have to constantly fight against becoming too invested in the outcome of our advice.  And I struggle with this with different degrees of success.


Comparing DB objects in Powershell

I got a request today to compare 2 DBs and see if they’ve got all the same tables. It seemed easy enough since I’ve got the redgate Schema Compare tool, but it actually isn’t. See, for some reason Schema Compare doesn’t work very well on my box, and it’s a big overkill for what I needed. All I really needed was to see if the same tables existed. I wasn’t interested in comparing their actual definitions. So I thought I’d give Powershell a try.

I started by picking my cmdlet, which was going to be Compare-Object. I use its alias ‘Diff’. Now, this cmdlet isn’t typically used for comparing DB objects, but there’s nothing that says it can’t be. After giving it a little thought I decided to write the following code to get my comparison. Oh, and I’m just using sample DBs for my examples.

$a = (cd sqlserver:\sql\localhost\default\databases\AdventureWorks\tables).dir;
$b = (cd sqlserver:\sql\localhost\default\databases\AdventureWorksLT\tables).dir;

Diff -reference ($a) -difference ($b) -property name

OK, that’s the base-level syntax you need to do a comparison on table names. That code will give you the following results.

The left arrows indicate tables that are only found in the reference object ($a), while the right arrows indicate objects that are only in the difference object ($b). And that’s really it. The only thing you need to know is that while the differences are outlined, objects that appear in both sets aren’t listed. So your best bet would be to have an empty result set because that would mean that all of the objects exist in both places.

Now, keep in mind also that I only matched on the name property. So there are opportunities for this to go wrong because I’m not taking schema into account. If I wanted to take schema into account though, I would just add it to the property list like this:

$a = (cd sqlserver:\sql\localhost\default\databases\AdventureWorks\tables).dir;
$b = (cd sqlserver:\sql\localhost\default\databases\AdventureWorksLT\tables).dir;

Diff -reference ($a) -difference ($b) -property schema, name

This time you notice that the Address table shows up twice in different schemas. And in the first result set the Address table wasn’t there, so that means that the Address table was considered a match in both DBs because we weren’t taking schema into account.

However, there’s one final piece that you may find useful. What if you want to see all the objects, even the ones that match, you can throw in the -IncludeEqual flag. I’ll run the original Diff to show you that now the Address table shows backup and is indeed considered equal when you compare it just by name.

$a = (cd sqlserver:\sql\localhost\default\databases\AdventureWorks\tables).dir;
$b = (cd sqlserver:\sql\localhost\default\databases\AdventureWorksLT\tables).dir;

Diff -reference ($a) -difference ($b) -property name -IncludeEqual

Now that we’ve got all the plumbing worked out you can apply this to SPs, functions, or whatever you like.
It won’t give you an actual schema compare against these objects, but it’s really helpful in quite a few instances to be able to just see which objects exist.

That’s it for this time.

Finding SQL VMs: Part 2

Ok, I’ve got a couple other methods so I thought I’d pass them along to you guys. These are methods passed to me by users.

The first one is: xp_readerrorlog 0,1,’Manufacturer’
I tried this on a number of my boxes with very mixed results. It didn’t have anything that specifically told me the VM wan’t virtual, and it didn’t work on any of my VMWare boxes. It appeared to work well enough with Hyper-V though.

The 2nd is: Win32_BaseBoard
This WMI class worked just fine for finding Hyper-V instances, but didn’t prove fruitful at all on VMWare. And again, there wasn’t really way way to tell whether it was physical or just not being reported correctly.

So there you have it. We’ve got 2 more methods, that I haven’t had much luck with, but maybe you’ll have more luck if you’ve got the right environment. So if you really don’t like the one I gave you yesterday, then pick one of these.

Is your SQL Server in a VM?

It seems that one of the key pieces of info you need when looking into performance problems is whether your SQL box is sitting in a VM or not. This could greatly expand the scope of your troubleshooting. The problem is of course, that Windows has no idea it’s in a VM so there’s nothing really to query inside Windows itself to get this info. Oh, if you’re lucky you can run through the software installed and look for the VM tools installed, but that’s really hit or miss, and not as easy as I’d like.

I’ll show you the way I do it though and you can either adopt it or not. Frankly, I’ll be really interested in seeing if anyone leaves a comment with a better way, cause I just stumbled on this about a yr ago so I don’t know how it’s usually done.

Anyway, we’re going to turn to Powershell for the answer… there’s a shock, huh?
Here’s the simple code it takes to query for a VM instance:

gwmi Win32_BIOS -ComputerName "Server1"

That’s pretty easy, right?
Now for the results. I’ve only got 2 VM packages to test with so if you’ve got something other than VMWare or Hyper-V then you’ll have to devise your own test.

For VMWare, the results will look like this:

Notice the SerialNumber has “VMware” in it? That’s what you’re looking for.
Now, to filter out the boxes in your LAN that are VMs, you have but to filter based on that criteria. It would look something like this:

$a = "Server1", "Server2", "Server3"

$a | %{$bios = gwmi Win32_BIOS -ComputerName $_; If($bios.SerialNumber -match "VMware") {"$_ is Virtual"} 

Ok, so it’s not a tremendously useful example, but it shows you how the simple filter would work.

Now let’s move on to Hyper-V. That output would look like this:

This time notice that it doesn’t say “Hyper-V”, and it doesn’t even say anything special in the SerialNumber. This time you have to look in the Version col. This col has “VRTUAL” in it. It would be nice if it said Hyper-V, but it doesn’t. So now you can apply the same filter above to find your VMs if you’re in a Hyper-V shop.

$a = "Server1", "Server2", "Server3"

$a | %{$bios = gwmi Win32_BIOS -ComputerName $_; If($bios.SerialNumber -match "VRTUAL") {"$_ is Virtual"} 

Now, let’s put them together. If you’re in a mixed shop like I am, you’ll want to know what kind of VM your SQL box is in so you know which VM admin you need to work with when you have problems. So this last script will tell you which VM your boxes are in. Now you can query all of your servers and put that info into a table so you have it always. And don’t forget to run it periodically to make sure nothing’s changed. Because we’re always moving boxes into VMs, and even taking a few back out. So keeping up with the latest can be useful. I run mine once a week.

$a = "Server1", "Server2", "Server3"

$a | %{

$bios = gwmi Win32_BIOS -ComputerName $_; 

if($bios.Version -match "VRTUAL") {"$_ is Hyper-V"}
if($bios.SerialNumber -match "VMware") {"$_ is VMWare"}
if($bios.Version -notmatch "VRTUAL" -and $bios.SerialNumber -notmatch "VMware") {"$_ is Physical"}

I would loved to have used the SWITCH statement here, but since I’m having to query 2 separate cols it wouldn’t have been the easiest way to do it. However, just in case you get a chance to use it, here’s a quick lesson on SWITCH. It’s like the CASE statement you see in pretty much every language out there. I won’t bother with explaining the details of the syntax because I think it’s fairly self-explanatory. If you do need help though, ping me and I’ll give you a hand, or you could do the responsible thing and bing it on google first.
But here’s a quick example of how you’d use SWITCH.

$a = "hello"

switch ($a)
"hello" {"You typed the right word."}
default {"You typed something other than 'hello'."}

Again, it’s not a particularly useful example, but it does show you how SWITCH works. It’s really just a CASE statement.

Change your process

This is an excellent example of how you need to be flexible with your processes, even when you’re in the middle of a project.

We started a project to move a DB to a new set of disks. Since the files are large, we probably weren’t going to be able to fit it into a single downtime so we were going to just move one file at a time over the next few weeks until they were all done. Well, due to circumstances out of our control, now they all have to be done at the same time. The problem is that now the file copies are going to take in excess of 6hrs, which is way longer than any downtime they would give us. I know, right? Don’t worry, I’ve got big problems with them forcing us to do operations in a large chunk like this, and then saying we can’t have time to do it. So we were doing our test last week and it did indeed take about 6hrs to copy all the files. And I don’t know why it didn’t hit me before, but why not change the process? The copy process was there because we were going to piecemeal the operation over several weeks, but since that’s gone, then maybe it’s time to come up with a new strategy.

So that’s what I did. My new strategy is an even simpler backup/restore op. All I have to do when I restore is map the files to their new locations and I’m golden. So so far it’s 6hrs to copy, and I know I can backup in 20-25mins. So my restore I’m guessing will be about 30mins (give or take).

Of course, the backup/restore won’t perform that well on its own. You have to tune it so it’ll use the resources to its advantage. This is where knowing how to tune your backups can come into play. And while I often say that tuning backups is quite often frustrating because you can’t use a lot of your resources because you’ve still gotta leave room for user processing on the box, this is one of those times that you can crank it all the way up. Everyone’s going to be offline for this op, so the box is completely mine. I can use every ounce of RAM and CPU on the server if I want. And that’s what I’m going to do. If you’re interested in how to go about tuning your backups, you can look at my recent SQLSAT session on the topic. I did it for SQL #90 in OKC. You can find the vid page for it here: http://midnightdba.itbookworm.com/Events.aspx

So anyway, the point is that just because you’ve come up with a way to do something, don’t set it in stone. If the scope changes in such a way that you can now do it a better way, then don’t be afraid to say “Stop, I’ve got a better way”. You may get some pushback from your peers because the project plan is already done and we need to just move forward with what we’ve got, but that’s when you need to push back and say no, this process was developed for a different circimstance and now it’s a different scenario completely. So this is no longer a viable method.

Good practice saves the day

Ok, a funny thing happened at work today. I had to write a script to move a DB’s files to another drive. Sounds easy enough, huh? Well in theory it was easy, but leave it to me to mess it up. Now, this was just a dry-run so I don’t feel too bad about it, and it gives me a chance to test my process. So, here’s what happened.

My process was this:

1. Run move stmts for all files.
2. Take DB offline.
3. Run PS script that moves the files.

The PS script selects from sys.master_files to get a list of the files to move. Here’s the problem… I’ve already run the move statements so SQL thinks they’re already in the new location. Therefore, the PS script can’t move them from their current location. However, good practice saves the day.

As a habit I always save a copy of sys.master_files to another table in case something happens. Now it’s a simple matter of changing my PS script from selecting from sys.master_files to selecting from sys.master_filesSEAN. Now I’m back in business. That’s the thing I find about good practices; they help you in ways you can’t even predict most of the time.

Here are some other general steps I take to protect against one thing or another:
1. I always try to group like objects in the same schema. It’s just a good idea.
2. I always copy the system DBs when upgrading or patching SQL. Sure I can restore from backup, and I have those too, but if something big happens and I have to completely re-install from scratch it’s much easier to just drop the old system DB files out there than it is to restore from backup.
3. Whenever I’m done working on an important prod system and it’s time to move on to something else, I always close all prod windows and even disconnect from it in object explorer. I don’t want any chance there’s a way to open a new connection to it and do something dumb.

I’d love to give you guys a huge list, and I know there are more, I just can’t think of any right this second.

An interesting log truncation case

Here’s a good one for you guys. I got a call from one of my DBAs today that they’re having trouble with the logs on one server not truncating. They’ve brought the server space to a critical level, and it needs to be fixed. The problem is that the DBA had looked at the log backups and they were fine. The log backup job was running just fine, and there were no active transactions.

I asked if there were any DBs being replicated… no.
OK, I’ll look into it.

So I connect and start my investigation where I always do for log truncation problems.
SELECT name, log_reuse_wait_desc from sys.databases

This tells me exactly what the log is waiting for before it can truncate. It’s really a matter what what your goal is. Some people love the troubleshooting process so much that they want to drag it out as long as they can. So they hunt around looking at different things to try to find what the problem is. They gather evidence and try different things until the problem is solved. I’m not that way though. I want to find the issue ASAP and get on to other things. So if you really enjoy the hunt then keep doing what you’re doing. But if you want to solve the problem quickly, then use the above query and get on with your life.

So anyway, the log was waiting on a log backup. I then checked the log backup job and it had been running just fine all day. So ok, the log is being backed up, but SQL still thinks that it’s waiting on a log backup before it can truncate the log.

This is where a knowledge of SQL can come in. At this point there are only 2 things that could architect this situation. Because all the DBs on the server are in the same boat with their logs filling up. So either the backup isn’t actually running, or it’s running with the copy_only flag.

A quick look at the job properties told me exactly what I needed to know. Looking at the execution time of the different runs, the job finishes in about 10secs. That seems a little fast for me on a server that has like 200 DBs on it. So looking back at the history 2 days ago the job was taking 9mins.

At this point, I knew exactly what the problem was. I looked in the SP that runs the backup, and the line that actually runs the backup had been commented out. Someone was trying to make a simple change and commented out the wrong line in the SP.

Look, I’m not smarter than your average DBA, and I’m not necessarily better educated. What I do however, is follow a predictable pattern of troubleshooting, and actually pay attention to the evidence. Sometimes the evidence isn’t clear and you have to make guesses, but most of the time it is.
I understand that the thrill of the hunt keeps you going, but some things are easy enough that you should just get them done. Why a log won’t truncate is such an easy thing to diagnose it should just be commonplace for you. Search somewhere else for your troubleshooting fix.