Tag Archives: Powershell

Killing SPIDs in Powershell

Today we’re going to continue our exploration of the server-level in PS.  You’ll remember before we’ve explored it a little bit when we talked about querying cluster nodes.

So today we’re going to kill users in a DB.  This is incredibly easy to do in PS.

First, let’s take a look at the T-SQL counterpart. Pretty much everyone has a script like this.

DECLARE @currUser varchar(100),
		@SQL nvarchar(200)

FOR select DISTINCT spid from sys.sysprocesses
WHERE [program_name] LIKE '%businessobjects%'

OPEN Users

	WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)

		SET @SQL = 'KILL ' + @currUser-- + ''
		--print @SQL


And of course, the problem is as it always is in T-SQL. It doesn’t scale to several boxes, and if you find yourself w/o your script, it’s not not really easy to reproduce off the top of your head unless you’re one of those freaks who can write cursors w/o looking at a map. And I don’t know about you, but I quite often find myself w/o my scripts, so I like things that are easier to reproduce.

And like I said, PS scales very well to multiple boxes. Why would you want to run it against more than one box you ask?
Well, let’s say you’ve got a single app server that hits multiple DB servers and you want to kill them all for a maint window. You can’t assume that stopping the service on that app server will kill the DB connections. In fact, it quite often doesn’t. There are other testing scenarios where this could be useful, but I’ll let all of you use it as you see fit. The point is it’s here if you need it.

So to do this in powershell:
Start by connecting to a DB at the server level (either in sqlps or in PS proper… my examples will be in sqlps, but it really doesn’t matter as long as you connect).

In sqlps you can do this by doing a right-click on the servername and going to ‘Start Powershell’.

Then you just need to go up one level like this:


Now you’re ready for the command. 

So let’s say you want to drop all the spids connected to SeansDB.  And as usual, there are 2 ways to do this.  I’m going to show you both of them just for completeness.

Method 1:

dir | ?{$_.Name -eq "SeansDB"} | %{$_.KillAllProcesses("SeansDB")}

Now, those of you who know PS, know this is actually quite wasteful. What you’re doing is getting a list of all the DBs, then filtering it down to one and then running the method.
And of course since you call the method with the DB name to begin with this is actually useless. However, it’s still a legal method so I wanted to mention it.

Method 2:You’ve got to think about what you’re doing here so you can make the right decision.  When you do this in sys.sysprocesses, you’re working at the server-level, so the only place individual DBs come into play is with the result set of whatever cursor you write to limit your results. And quite often killing all the spids in a DB can be very useful. So here’s a better way to go about it in PS.


This is easy to remember, and easy to type. And of course, it’s obvious what it does… it kills all the spids connected to SeansDB. Now, you can also kill just a specific spid like this:


And that’s how PS can bring that long t-sql cursor down to almost nothing. What? What’s that? You want more? You want to be able to kill spids based off of application, or CPU, or some other criteria? Well, now you’re just being demanding, but I think PS can do something for you. This is just going to take an extra step and here’s what it’ll look like.
In our example here let’s kill spids by application. So we’ll kill all users who are connecting through SSMS.

$a = (dir).EnumProcesses()
$a | ?{$_.Program -match "SQL Server Management Studio"} | %{$_.KillProcess($_.SPID)

Now, there’s a treasure trove of stuff in here. Let’s take a look at this in detail, especially the EnumProcesses() method.
This method is overloaded so you’ve got some nice functionality built-in.
Here are the documented overloads:

$a = (dir).EnumProcesses() ## Gets all processes.
$a = (dir).EnumProcesses($False) ## Excludes system processes.
$a = (dir).EnumProcesses(69) ## Get info on a single spid... 69 in this case.
$a = (dir).EnumProcesses("domain\user") ## Gets processes run by a specified login.

And now that you’ve got your list of processes, you can do a get-member on them to see what properties are available to you. So remember above when we killed spids by Program? Well, you can kill by anything returned as a property from your get-member. Here’s a screenshot of the results I got from mine.

Killing processes in powershell is so easy it’s almost makes me feel stupid for documenting it. And while you may be used to doing things like this in T-SQL, give this a try and I think you’ll find you like it much better once you get used to it.
And I mentioned that it scales to multiple boxes really well, and it does. I just didn’t show you that here cause it’s pretty easy to figure out.

And DO use this with care. It’s so much easier to kill everything on the box in PS than it is with T-SQL. And I’m not taking any responsibility for how you (mis)use this knowledge.

Checking for Active cluster node

Ok, I was on this blog today and it showed a cool Powershell method for checking which cluster node is active.  And while there’s nothing wrong with the script, it does go to show the thing I dislike the most about how many DBAs work with Powershell in SQL Server.  Now, I can’t stress enough that I’m not picking on this guy, and I’m not saying he’s wrong.  I’m just saying that I prefer to rely on the built-in methods of the provider because it’s just simpler.  Here’s what I mean.

I’m going to borrow his code for a moment just to show you an example.  But I encourage you to visit his blog yourself as he’s got some cool stuff out there.  Anyway, here’s his method for doing this in PS:

# Set cluster name
$cluster_name = "ClusterName";
# Load SMO extension
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | out-null;
$srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $cluster_name;
# Get server properties
$properties = $srv.Properties
$owner_node = $properties.Item("ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS").Value;
$is_clustered = $properties.Item("IsClustered").Value
	Write-Host "The current active node of $cluster_name is $owner_node.";
	Write-Host "$cluster_name is not a clustered instance of SQL Server.";

Overall, there’s nothing wrong with that except it’s just too long.  See, too many DBAs forget what Powershell is all about so they’re constantly re-inventing the wheel.  I like to use the kind of wheels I’m given whenever possible.

Here’s how I would tackle this same task (there are actually 2 ways):

Method 1

>$a = dir


Method 2


And that’s it.  Why would you want to type all that other stuff when you can so easily type just a few characters… 33 to be exact. 

All you have to do is make sure you’re in the server node of the provider tree. 

So if you connect through sqlps, then you’ll right-click on the server itself and that’ll take you to the Default instance.  Then you just need to go one level up by typing ‘cd ..’  From there, just type one of the lines above and you’re golden.

Oh yeah, his script also told you whether the box was even clustered to begin with.  We can handle that with another line.


That returns ‘True’ so if you want to make it pretty for yourself then just a quick change can make that happen.

>IF ($a.IsClustered) {“It’s clustered alright.”} ELSE {“No it isn’t.”}

And strictly speaking you don’t need the ELSE in there.

Now, using both methods you can easily cycle through a ton of boxes so there are no worries there.  

I’m gonna get on my soapbox for a minute and say that this is the bulk of the PS I see being taught and to me it shows a lack of fundamental understanding of what PS is supposed to do for us.  I just prefer to use what the provider gives me.  And it really matters too.  If you find yourself somewhere without your scripts, which happens to me all the time when I’m working from a user’s box, or at another shop, then you’ve got to remember all that SMO provider info.  My method is not only much easier to remember, it’s much easier to investigate because you can easily do a GM against $a to see all the properties it has.  But if you go even just a couple weeks without typing in that code to load the SMO provider, you can forget nuances and you’ll find yourself looking something up.  And that’s not efficient DBA work.  PS is supposed to make our jobs easier, not complicate them.  PS isn’t just a replacement for VBScript.  It’s an entirely new way of thinking.  And there are tons of guys out there teaching PS who haven’t switched to the PS way of thinking.  To me this is the exact same thing as those guys who use those really complicated cursor methods for finding log space usage when they could just type DBCC sqlperf(logspace).  Can you do it the other way, sure, but why would you when the SQL team has given you such an easy method?  This is why most of the time whenever I see a PS blog somewhere, I typically have to translate it into real PS.

So guys, let’s get rid of all that needless SMO code and bring PS back to what it’s supposed to be… simple one-liners that make our job easier.

I also did a video last week about changing server-level properties that talks you through the same methods as well.  Take a look.


Pinging SQL Server in Powershell

It quite often happens that there will be some kind of issue keeping your app from hitting the DB.  Sometimes the issue is with SQL itself, but most of the time there’s something else involved.  The problem is that when it’s reported through the error stack at the app level, it only says that the DB was unavailable and it’s hard to get users to understand that it’s just a generic error that means the app couldn’t talk to the DB for whatever reason.  That reason could be NIC, or cable, OS, switch, router, etc.  There are many reasons why an app wouldn’t be able to get to a SQL box.  And it’s made even worse if it’s intermitent. 

So a good way to handle this is to put yourself a ping script up that will actually query SQL.  Not check that the server is up, or the service is running, but that you can actually ping SQL itself and run a query.  I’ve done this for you in powershell.  It runs a simple select and then writes a result to a txt file.  I setup an agent job to run every 5secs and run this code from a dos cmd task.


add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100

$date = get-date

$a = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance Servername -Database master -Query “select @@servername” -ErrorAction silentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err
if ($err.count -eq 0) {$a = “OK”}
else {$a = “Failed”}

# if (!$a) {$b = “Failed”}
“$date  :  $a” | Out-File c:\VI2conn.txt -append

This kind of script can help in a number of ways, and depending on the level of troubleshooting you want to do, you can place this on different boxes.  So you can place it on the local SQL box to have it test itself, or in another data center to test a specific link, or just in the same subnet or vlan, or put it in the same subnet as the app and then in a couple different ones.  How you spread it around depends on what you’re looking for.  But this can be a tiebreaker because if the apps people insist that SQL is down because of a generic error message, you can tell them that 2 boxes from 2 other subnets were able to ping it every 5secs, but the one from the app’s subnet failed 6 times or whatever.  This way you can also show something solid to the network guys and make it easier for them to find the problem on their end. 

Now, this won’t tell you if it’s a switch, firewall, NIC, OS, or what, but it will tell you that it’s not a problem with SQL itself or the SQL box.  Of course, if a couple of them fail then it could still be the SQL box cause again, it won’t tell you that either, but it could be a tiebreaker in the right circumstance.

AND, just because I’m a nice guy here’s the job script too.  I did this in SQL2K8.



/****** Object: Job [SQLPing] Script Date: 02/04/2011 14:20:44 ******/




TRANSACTION @ReturnCode INT @ReturnCode = 0/****** Object: JobCategory [[Uncategorized (Local)]]] Script Date: 02/04/2011 14:20:44 ******/


NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.syscategories WHERE name=N'[Uncategorized (Local)]’ AND category_class=1)BEGIN


@ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_category @class=N’JOB’, @type=N’LOCAL’, @name=N'[Uncategorized (Local)]’IF

(@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollbackEND













@ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name=N’SQLPing’, =1, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =N’No description available.’, =N'[Uncategorized (Local)]’, =N’sa’, @job_id = @jobId OUTPUT(@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback/****** Object: Step [Ping] Script Date: 02/04/2011 14:20:45 ******/













@ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id=@jobId, @step_name=N’Ping’, =1, =0, =1, =0, =2, =0, =0, =0, =0, @subsystem=N’CmdExec’, =N’powershell “c:\SQLPing.ps1″‘, =0IF

(@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollbackEXEC

@ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id = @jobId, @start_step_id = 1IF

(@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollbackEXEC













@ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule @job_id=@jobId, @name=N’Every 5secs’, =1, =4, =1, =2, =10, =0, =0, =20110204, =99991231, =0, =235959, =N’0b2e4594-92bc-438c-8311-d40076b53042′IF

(@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollbackEXEC

@ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_id = @jobId, @server_name = N'(local)’IF

(@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollbackCOMMIT


TRANSACTION EndSaveQuitWithRollback:





Get DB sums with Powershell

Here’s a cute little piece of code to add up the sizes of all your DBs on a server.  It comes in handy when you’re trying to see how much space you’ll need to duplicate the server either for DR, or reporting, or even just to see how much backup space you’ll need.

Make sure you’re at the DB context of PS:


Then type this code:

>dir | %{$Total += $_.size}


Ok, that’s it.  Not too bad, huh?  Now, let’s work on making it look like something you can actually work with. 

Ordinarily you would prettify this by just dividing it by the measure you want to convert it to.  So if you wanted to convert it to GB, then that would look like this:


However, you can’t do that here.  Here’s what you need to know.

This output is in MB, and the “/1GB” trick assumes that the output is in bytes.  So lets assume that your $Total is 4189811.4375.  Remember now, that’s in MB.  So here’s what the 1GB trick will yield.



That’s not even close to right.  And again, that’s because the 1GB trick assumes your output will be in bytes.  So here the best way to convert this to GB is to do the math yourself like this:



Of course, you can still use one of the tricks to get the number you’re looking for, but since you’re already in MB you have to go 1 measure down to make it come out right. 



So why is that?  Well, because 1KB is only a shortcut for 1024, and from MB, the conversion to GB is /1024.  And the problem of course with doing it this way is that it’s deceiving as hell.  Anyone else looking at this will think you’ve converted to KB because they may not realize that the original output is in MB.  So don’t use this one, I only threw it in there to show you how to come up with the right number.  It also shows you something about how the trick works.

Now, you can still use the 1GB trick, you just have to massage the data first.  So here we’re going to put it back into bytes and then convert it to GB.  This is really just to prove to you that the output for this trick really is assumed to be in bytes.



Personally I’d never do it this way.  Sure, it shows you and someone else what’s going on so you can read the code, but that’s also what comments are for.

>$Total/1024 # Convert to GB.  Can’t use /1GB because this output is in MB and the /1GB assumes the output to be in bytes.

See, what’s wrong with comments?

Audit service accounts with Powershell

I thought I’d kick off the week with a useful little PS script I wrote last week.  It happens from time to time where you need to find out what AD accts your SQL boxes are running on.  It could be that you simply want to see how diverse they are or maybe you want to change the password of an acct and you want to see what the impact will be.  All the same, it can be useful to audit the startup accts for your SQL services. 

So here’s a little script you can use to get that done.  This again is part of a much larger process I have, but I’ve pulled it out and simplified it to its base componets for you.  I’ve also added the DB side of the process for completion. 

Here’s the PS piece:
$Server = ‘localhost’
$StatsDB = ‘DBStats’                  
 $SourceSQLScript1 = “\\Server1\F$\SQLServerDBA\Scripts\Collector\SQLQueries\AllSQLBoxes.txt”; 

$SqlCmd1 = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $StatsDB -inputfile $SourceSQLScript1
$SqlCmd1 | %  {
        $_.ServerName; ####Print ServerName
        [System.Int32]$ID = $_.InstanceID;
        [System.String]$ServerName = $_.ServerName;
        $ExecutionDateTime = Get-Date -Format “%M/%d/%y %H:m:ss”; 

$a = Get-wmiobject win32_service -ComputerName $ServerName -filter “DisplayName like ‘%sql%'” -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 

$a | % { $DisplayName = $_.DisplayName;
   $StartName = $_.StartName; 

 Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $StatsDB -Query “Collector.spServiceAcctInsert ‘$ExecutionDateTime’,’$ID’,’$DisplayName’,’$StartName'”

Most of this is the same as the other scripts I’ve posted so I’m not really gonna go into every line like I have in the past.  I am going to explain the params for the invoke-sqlcmd line though.  In this line I’m just calling an SP that I’ve put in place to log these details to a table and you can use as much or as little of this as you wish.  The $ID param is the ID of the server.  In my complete solution I have a server table and I log things to other tables using the ServerID that comes from that table.  You’re free however to just capture the ServerName here instead.  But you notice that in the query, I get the ID and the ServerName and I use those in the script.  I’m just presenting you with how I do it and you can change it. 

Here’s the SP that I use in the DB that gets called by this script.  It’s very simple. 

CREATE procedure [Collector].[spServiceAcctInsert]

@ExecutionDateTime datetime,

@InstanceID int,

@ServiceName varchar(50),

@StartName varchar(50)


 Insert dbo.ServiceAcct






And now here’s the table that you’re logging to:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ServiceAcct](

      [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

      [ExecutionDateTime] [datetime] NULL,

      [InstanceID] [int] NULL,

      [ServiceName] [varchar](50) NULL,

      [StartName] [varchar](50) NULL

And that’s all there is to it. From here, now that you’ve got all of your service accts and the AD accts associated with them, you can easily query this table to see the impact of changing a password or just see how bad your security is. This is useful info to have. You don’t have to run this kind of thing often though. In fact, it’s not a query that I have scheduled. I typically just run it when I want to know something specific, but you may have a reason to schedule it.

OK guys, that’s all I’ve got on that.  Enjoy powershelling.

Today’s Powershell Fun

I’m having big fun with PS today because I’m installing several new R2 boxes on Windows Server R2.  Where does PS come into play you ask?  Well, good question… I only wish I had a good answer.  Ok, I do.

In order to install SQL Server R2 on Windows 2008 R2 you have to first install the .NET Framework.  However, the SQL installer doesn’t do it for you.  It just tells you that you have to install it.  So the normal way is to go into the server manager and then to ‘roles’ and then ‘add a role’.  Once you’re in the add role wizard choose ‘Application Server’.  Here are some brief screens of the process.

As you can see I’ve already installed it on this server, but it’s pretty easy to figure out from here.  Just install the .NET Framework (it’ll actually already be checked for you) and you’re golden.  Now, that takes too much time for me, especially when I’m installing several boxes at once.  So what I like to do is call on powershell for this task.  I’m going to take some extra time here to show you a couple things, but the process once you get it down is much faster than the wizard.

First of all, you have to load the windows modules into your PS session.  To do it manually, you can open PS and type the following command:

> Import-Module ServerManager

Here’s a screen:

However, now you’ll be able to run the next command.

> Get-WindowsFeature

This will show you all the features available and which ones are already installed.  Here’s a screen of the output.

And of course, you’ll notice on mine, it’s already installed, but it’ll be unchecked on yours.  OK, now you’re ready to do the install itself.

And for that, you need yet another command, but don’t worry, it’s easy. 

> Add-WindowsFeature AS-NET-Framework

Notice I put an arror by the name of the feature above that you’ll feed to the Add-WindowsFeature cmdlet.  So in case you didn’t catch it, the syntax is simply the cmdlet and the name of the feature you want to install. 

Here’s a screen of the line as it’ll look when you type it.

And here’s what it looks like while it’s installing:

And that’s it guys.  The install is actually much quicker from the cmdline and you don’t have to worry about making a mistake through the GUI.  And of course you don’t have to go through all these steps every time.  Why not write a short script to do it for you?  It would look like this:

Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature AS-NET-Framework

That’s it.  That’s all it takes to install it from a script.  Now you can save that off to the network somewhere and just use it whenever you like. 

OK, that’s all I’ve got.

Oh y, one more thing… you don’t have to import the servermanager module every time you run this.  You can use the PS shell that loads all the windows modules for you.  You can find it here:

Ok, THAT’S all I’ve got.

Cool Powershell Scenario

here’s a cool scenario where you need to set all of your DBs to simple mode and then back again.

Let’s say that you have a bunch of DBs on your server that are all in full mode and you’re setting up new backup routines on the server and you want to start everything from scratch.  So in this scenario you may want to switch all the DBs to simple mode to truncate the logs and then back to full again.  This is to prevent a huge log backup the first time, and you may not even have a full backup file to go with it anymore so what would be the point?

So here’s some simple code you could run to make this happen very quickly and easily.

> dir | %{$_.set_RecoveryModel(3)}  # Set recovery to simple to truncate the logs.

> dir | %{$_.set_RecoveryModel(1)}  # Set recovery back to full.

Everything you do with powershell doesn’t have to cure cancer.  It can just save you a couple mins or even a few mins of tedium.  Writing really cool scripts to do big things is awesome, but most of the stuff you’re going to do is this adhoc kinda stuff.  That’s the reason I love powershell so much, because you don’t have to do anything grandios with it.  You can just make your day easier.

Poweshell wins again

It may seem a little redundant, but I love stuff like this. I was asked in front of a group of devs to script out a group of SPs on the prod box and copy them over to the new test box. These SPs stretch across a couple schemas and are named differently from the other ones in those schemas. As it turns out, there are something like 300 of them total. I don’t have a final count.

So when the guy asked me I said sure, that’ll take me like 60secs. And one of the other devs said, there’s no way. You have to check all of those boxes individually and and make sure you don’t miss anything. I said, of course I can. I’m a powershell guy (yes, i actually said that). He was like, even if you could script something like that out, there’s no way to easily get all the ones you need. You’ll be much faster in the wizard.

I told him, I accept your challenge. And for the first time, I gave a dev rights in prod and we had a face-off right there. We sat side by side and both of us started working feverishly to get our SPs scripted. Him in the wizard and me in powershell. Very quickly a crowd gathered. We prob had like 15-20 people gather. These were the PMs, other devs, report writers, etc. They all wanted to see if the bigshot DBA MVP could be taken down by a lowly dev.

Unfortunately like 90secs later, I completed my script and was building my file with my scripted SPs. He was still slugging his way through the wizard and wasn’t even close to having all his little boxes checked. When I finished, I just stood up and walked out as everyone clapped. When I left to come back upstairs he was still working at the wizard determinded to at least finish.

At least that’s how my powershell hero stories always play-out in my mind. I really did get that assignment today, but it was through email and I just did it without any pomp and circumstance. Oh well, a guy can dream can’t he?

Here’s the code I wrote today to pull SPs by schema and matching a pattern. I used the regex in powershell to make this happen. Enjoy.

PS SQLSERVER:\SQL\Server1\DEFAULT\Databases\ProdDB\StoredProcedures> dir | ?{$_.schema -eq “Bay” -or $_.schema -match “EBM”} | ?{$_.Name -match “Bay?_PR”} | %{$_.Script() | out-file C:\SPs.txt -append; “GO” | out-file C:\SPs.txt -append}

Maybe someday one of you will actually save the day with it.

How to Monitor SQL Services with Powershell

Here’s the situation…

You get a call from one of your customers saying that the log has filled up on the DB and they can’t do anything any more.  So you connect to the server and find out that the log backups haven’t been running.  So you run the backup and everything is hunkydory.  But why did it fail to run in the first place?  Well about 3secs of investigation tells you that the Agent was turned off.  Ok, you turn it back on and go on about your business.  But this isn’t the way to do things.  You don’t want your customers informing you of important conditions on your DB servers.  And you certainly don’t want Agent to be turned off. 

And while there may be some other ways to monitor whether services are running or not, I’m going to talk about how to do it in PS.  There are 2 ways to do this in PS… get-service and get-wmiobject.  Let’s take a look at each one to see how they compare.

In the old days (about 2yrs ago), when all we had was the antiquated powershell v.1, you had to use get-wmiobject for this task because get-service didn’t allow you to hit remote boxes.  All that’s changed now so you can easily run get-service against a remote box with the -computername parameter.

get-service -computername Server2

And of course it supports a comma-separated list like this:

get-service -computername Server2, Server3

And just for completeness here’s how you would sort it, because by default they’re going to be sorted by DisplayName so services from both boxes will be inter-mingled.

get-service -computername Server2, Server3 | sort -property MachineName | FT MachineName, DisplayName, Status

Ok, that was more than just sorting wasn’t it?  I added a format-table (FT) with the columns I wanted to see.  You have to put the MachineName there so you know which box you’re gong against, right?  And the status is whether it’s running or not.

Remember though that I said we were going to do SQL services, and not all the services.  So we still have to limit the query to give us only SQL services.  This too can be done in 2 ways:

get-service -computername Server2, Server3 -include “*sql*” | sort -property MachineName | FT MachineName, DisplayName, Status

get-service -computername Server2, Server3 | ?{$_.DisplayName -match “sql”} | sort -property MachineName | FT MachineName, DisplayName, Status

so here I’ve used the -include and the where-object(?).  They’ll both give you the same results, only the -include will filter the results on the remote server and the where-object will filter them on the client.  So ultimately the -include will be more efficient because you don’t have to send all that extra text across the wire only to throw it away.

And of course, you don’t have to use that inline list to go against several boxes.  In fact, I don’t even recommend it because it doesn’t scale.  For purposes of this discussion I’ll put the servers in a txt file on C:.  Here’s how you would do the same thing while reading the servers from a txt file, only this time you could very conveniently have as many servers in there as you like.  And when creating the file, just put each server on a new line like this:


So here’s the same line above with the txt file instead:

get-content C:\Servers.txt | %{get-service -computername $_ -include “*sql*” | sort -property MachineName | FT MachineName, DisplayName, Status}

This is well documented so I’m not going to explain the foreach(%) to you.

Ok, so let’s move on to the next method because I think I’ve said all I need to say about get-service.  But isn’t this just gold?


Earlier I was talking about what we did in the old days and I always used to recommend get-wmiobject because of the server limitation imposed on get-service.  However, does that mean that get-wmiobject is completely interchangable with get-service now?  Unfortunately not.  I’m going to go ahead and cut to the chase here and say that you’ll still wanna use get-wmiobject for this task most of the time… if not all of the time, because why change methods?

You’ll notice one key difference between doing a gm against these 2 methods:

get-service | gm

get-wmiobject win32_service | gm

The get-wmiobject has more methods and more properties.

And the key property we’re interested in here is the StartMode.

If you’re going to monitor for services to see which ones are stopped, it’s a good idea to know if they’re supposed to be stopped.  Or even which ones are set to Manual when they should be set to Automatic.

And for this reason I highly recommend using getwmiobject instead of get-service.

Here’s some sample code using the txt file again.

get-content C:\Servers.txt | %{get-wmiobject win32_service -computernatm $_ -filter “DisplayName like ‘%sql%’ “} | FT SystemName, DisplayName, State, StartMode -auto

Notice that the names of things change between methods too, so watch out for that.  So like MachineName changes to SystemName.  You’ll also notice that I didn’t provide you with a full working example of a complete script.  That’ll be for another time perhaps.  The script I use fits into an entire solution so it’s tough to give you just a single script w/o also giving you all the stuff that goes along with it.  And that just gets out of the scope of a single blog post.

However, I’ll leave you with these parting pieces of advice when building your service monitor.

1.  Instead of pulling the servers from a txt file, put them in a table somewhere so you can run all of your processes from that location.

2.  Use get-wmiobject win32_service instead of get-service.  It’s more flexible.

3.  When you collect your data, just save it to a table somewhere instead of alerting on it right away.  In other words, there should be a collection and a separate alerting mechanism.

   *** Why you ask?  Well I’m glad you asked, because not asking something that should be asked is like asking something that shouldn’t be asked but in reverse.  Anyway though… I prefer to get a single alert on all my boxes at once instead of an alert for each box, or for each service.  And that kind of grouping is much easier to do in T-SQL than in PS.  Also, there may happen a time when a service is down for a reason and you don’t want to get alerts on it but you still want to get alerts on the rest of the environment.  This is easier to do in T-SQL as well.  And finally, you may want to also attempt to start the services that are down and that really should be a separate process so you can control it better.  Or you may just want to be alerted and handle them manually.  Again, what if the service is supposed to be down for some reason, you certainly don’t want the collection process going out and restarting it for you.  And the collection can be a nice way to make sure you remember to turn the service back on when you’re done with whatever you were doing.  You’ll get an alert saying it’s down, and you’ll be all like, oh y, I totally forgot to turn that back on and my backups aren’t kicking off.  All the same, you really do want the collection, alerting, and action processes to be separated.  But that’s just me, you do what you want. ***

4.  Keep history of that status of the services.  You can look back over the last few months and see which ones have given you the most trouble and you can then try to discover why.  It’s good info to have and you may not realize how much time you’re spending on certain boxes until you see it written down like that.

Powershell 2.0 Get-Member Enhancements

The other day I blogged on a cool way to alter database file properties.  And I promised I would film the solution for you.  Well, I got home that night and started filming but when I pulled up sqlps I was stopped dead in my tracks by something I couldn’t explain.  The methods to get and set were missing.  I checked my other box and they were there, so what happened?  The only difference was that the box I wrote the blog from was XP and the box I was filming from was Win7.

So I pinged a couple really smart guys as MS (and I cc’d Buck).  So after a couple of days we have an answer.  There’s a new feature in powershell 2.0 that hides the getter and setter methods from you by default in get-member.  They’re officially calling it an enhancement.

There are 2 new parameters that get-member supports that allow you to control what you see.  You can now use –view and –force.

-view takes the parameters Extended, Adapted, Base, All

-force doesn’t take any additional parameters.

However if you’re looking specifically for getter and setter methods, you’ll have to use –force because –view doesn’t display them.  Here’s what that’ll look like:

dir | gm –force

Now you can see everything.  It’s interesting though is that by defalt, PS loads all the methods, it just doesn’t show them to you.

Here’s the MSDN blog that explains this and so much more.

And I’d like to give a special thanks to Robert Hutchinson at MS for chasing this down for me while Buck and I sat on the sidelines helpless.